CTC Wessex Constitution

Last updated: 5 May 2021

These rules are an extension of the Policy Document of CTC Groups for the formation and management of Member Groups as authorised by the Council of the Cyclists’ Touring Club (CTC), trading as Cycling UK (CUK).

  1. NAME : The name of the CTC Member Group shall be CTC WESSEX CYCLING and shall also use the name CTC BOURNEMOUTH where appropriate. The member group shall own and have title to the web site address www.wessexctc.org and www.bournemouthctc.org
  2. OBJECTS : The objects of CTC Wessex Cycling shall be to promote locally the interests of cyclists.
  3. AREA : The area covered by CTC Wessex Cycling shall be defined by Postcode areas:
    • All BH postcodes
    • DT9 to DT11 postcodes
    • SP1 to SP8 postcodes
    • BA7, 8, 9, and BA20, 21, 22 postcodes
    • TA10 to TA20 postcodes
      Alteration to this area may be discussed at the AGM, subject to ratification by CTC / CUK.
    Management of CTC Wessex Cycling shall be made by a committee elected at an AGM consisting of:

    (a) President / Chairman
    (b) Vice Chairman
    (c) Hon. Secretary
    (d) Hon. Treasurer
    (e) Welfare Officer
    (f) Registrar
    (g) Such other committee members as the AGM may decide.

    The AGM may appoint Life Vice-Presidents in recognition of service to the club. They may attend meetings of the committee but have no voting rights. The committee may fill casual vacancies and may appoint sub-committees for specific projects.

    The committee will meet as necessary, or at the specific request of any three committee members, but may also conduct its business remotely by email or post. The Secretary, in consultation with the President and Treasurer, will have the authority to take decisions on club business between committee meetings. The validity of decisions made by the Committee shall depend upon there being a quorum. A quorum shall be a minimum of 5 members at a meeting or involved in the email discussion.
    The Annual General Meeting of the CTC Wessex Cycling shall be held between April 15th and May 31st in each year and shall be convened by the publication of a notice on the Wessex Group page of the CUK website and on theGroup’s own website. A minimum of 28 days’ notice shall be given.

    The business of the meeting shall be:
    (a)  To receive and, if approved, adopt the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts;
    (b)  To elect the CTC Wessex Cycling officers and appoint an Honorary Auditor who must not be an Officer or a member of the CTC Wessex Cycling committee. Candidates for election must be Proposed and Seconded. In the event of contests, the election shall be by ballot;
    c)  To consider any notices of motion, which must have been submitted in writing to the CTC Wessex Cycling Secretary at least seven days before the meeting.

    Nominations for all posts should be sent to the CTC Wessex Cycling secretary seven days before the date of the AGM. At the discretion of the AGM, nominations may be accepted from the floor of the meeting.
    A Special General Meeting shall be convened by resolution of the CTC Wessex Cycling committee or by receipt by the CTC Wessex Cycling secretary of a written request signed by at least 30 members who are assigned to the group on the CUK membership database. Those members requesting the convening of the SGM shall provide their full name, address and membership number. Notice of the meeting must be published on the Wessex Group page of theCUK website and on the Group’s own website. A minimum of 28 days’ notice shall be given. The notice must state the business for which the meeting is called. The meeting shall proceed in like manner to an Annual General Meeting. No business other than that stated in the notice of the meeting may be transacted.
    General meetings shall be held either at a venue or online as determined by the CTC Wessex Cycling committee at their absolute discretion. The Chairman or Vice Chairman shall take the chair at the meeting, otherwise a chairman shall be elected from among the members present.

    (a)  Only accredited members of the CTC may take part in a General Meeting.
    (b)  Any resolution passed at a General Meeting which involves the expenditure of money is effective only if ratified by the CTC Wessex Cycling committee.
    (c)  Each member present shall have one vote, in the event of equality of votes, the chairman shall have a second, casting vote.
    The duties of the CTC Wessex Cycling Secretary shall include the following, or ensure that they are done:
    1. (a)  To convene General Meetings in accordance with these Regulations;
    2. (b)  To call a special meeting of the CTC Wessex Cycling Committee upon receipt of a requisition signed by aminimum of 30 members;
    3. (c)  To prepare the minutes, or ensure they are prepared by the Minutes Secretary if that post is filled;
    4. (d)  To draft the Annual Report for the approval of the CTC Wessex Cycling Committee, to present it to the AGM, and to forward a copy to CTC / CUK by June 21st each year.
    The financial year of the CTC Wessex Cycling shall be from April 1 to March 31 . It shall be the responsibility of the CTC Wessex Cycling Treasurer to:

    (a) Hold and account for monies collected in the name of the CTC Wessex Cycling;
    (b) Prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts for Audit and presentation to the CTC Wessex Cycling AGM;
    (c) To forward to CTC / CUK by June 21st each year the audited Statement of Accounts.

    The CTC Wessex Cycling may raise funds locally. Such funds, which must be raised in the name of the CTC / CUK are the property of CTC / CUK and must be accounted for in the Audited Statement of Accounts. The administration of local funds is vested in the CTC Wessex Cycling Committee, but funds must be used only for the promotion of the objectives of the CTC / CUK.

    Local monies must be banked or invested in Trustee securities in the name of the Member Group. Authority to operate banking and similar accounts shall be vested in three members of any appropriate committee, but the signatures of any two of the three shall be sufficient on cheques etc.
    These rules may, subject to any necessary approval and the appropriate notice, be amended or added to, in any way by a resolution adopted at a General Meeting of the CTC Wessex Cycling. The rules are effective after submission to CTC / CUK for ratification.
    Any matters not covered by these rules may be decided by the CTC Wessex Cycling Committee.

Rules Adopted by resolution of the AGM, CTC Wessex Cycling Bournemouth, 5th May 2021.

pp Rob Ward