Gridiron 100
One of the oldest on-road Cycle Randonnée’s in the UK. Acclaimed for the beauty of its route, along scenic minor roads, on a circuit of the New Forest adorned in its bright patchwork of stunning autumn colours
One of the oldest on-road Cycle Randonnée’s in the UK. Acclaimed for the beauty of its route, along scenic minor roads, on a circuit of the New Forest adorned in its bright patchwork of stunning autumn colours
New frame and forks bought a few years back and built up with new wheels and quality components for road use but never actually used.
For sale at a bargain price of £500.
The New Forest Cycle Jumble will take place at Burley Village Hall from 08:30 – 13:00 on Saturday, 20th May 2023.
The Gridiron was held on 9 October 2022. Well done everybody! You can find this year’s pictures here.